Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Office Politics

I stick to my little realm of adjustments pretty consistently. But sometimes there's someone that just jumps the fence; that asshole in Marketing who won't ever, ever shut up about how all that needs to happen to make people buckle their seat belts is to make it sexy, for example. That will not - WILL NOT - stop pushing that into every other aspect. Like you're trying to do your job and even work with  Travel insurance to see if there can't be anything done about fleet rates. And then they show up and it's 'that's nice and all but how about you angle the mirror on the next ad to show this dudes package subliminally.'

Then they start trying to cut out actual work being done or just monopolize your time. And then (and then) and then it's pretty much down to pistols at dawn in the parking lot if you don't want to see their entire division - and then YOUR entire division - becoming some slick program advocating the uberdong.

At least I work with a pretty decent set. It took a lot of work to really show that there needed to be some changes, but at least they got made. And no, uh, car mirror dongs. This is a bad analogy. If I get into the technical details then no one's going to stick around long enough for when I start posting my old camgirl work.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Busy at work

But it's rewarding. Not just because insurance adjustment is a great field; sometimes it's the side bennies.

Like I spent nearly a whole day investigating pizza - this is kind of a self-own already if you've seen my scale numbers lately. It's great that this whole west coast 'do whatever the fuck you want who cares' ethos means getting to build your own pie, that's great. In fact it's the only thing keeping these poor benighted souls going I'd say.

Golden mean thinking is pretty much a dead end. But I think there is a happy medium in the anglosphere, if you take Prospect as one pole and London as the other. One side just has too much shit going on, too many attempts to crowbar open acceptable food preparation and then dump everything you've ever seen, heard of, or read about on some shitty foodie blog. And on the other side you've got the grim remnants of rationing and just a national disposition towards misery.

So naturally the best place to find equilibrium is somewhere on the rust belt. What a coincidence. Then there's outliers like Chicago and the horrifying shit they've done to simple, plain garbage food in a desperate bid for some kind of identity.

Okay that wasn't nice

I guess most of my friends thought something was up, the whole 'yeah going to a seminar for approximately six months to learn how to be ...